A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Move logs to manipulate platforms, push boulders to place large blocks. And solve puzzles by, TRAVELLING THROUGH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can get a very small taste of that because this game fits that bill but it is still in an early prototype phase.


W, A, S, & D or the arrow keys to move, space to jump, hold crouch (S or down key) and shift for long enough to time travel

Important Note: If you are really into this game for some reason and want to preserve the early builds, do so now, because once the next version comes, I will be deleting these builds off the Internet FOREVER. You have been warned.


Time Warper Windows 28 MB
Time Warper Mac 58 MB
Time Warper Linux 15 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Unzip the folder and open the executable inside

Mac: Unzip the zip and open the application

Linux: Unzip the zip and open the application

Development log